Midwest Fertility Center was established in 1984 in Uptown, Chicago.
Dr. Amos E. Madanes is an Infertility Specialist practicing in the clinic. The clinic provides services including In vitro fertilization which costs $7200, Fertility Wellness Screening, LGBTQ+ family Building, and Endometriosis. Midwest Fertility Center has accepted insurance policies. The clinic has a basic IVF package is only $7,200, a Laparoscopic Tubal Ligation Reversal package at $4,500, and a Fertility Wellness Screening at $80. Midwest Fertility Center has a shared success program that provides a proportional refund for services associated with IVF treatments if a 12-week pregnancy does not occur and the program includes up to 3 IVF cycles. Additionally, we have listed this center in our curated list of
fertility centers in Chicago. The clinic operates from Monday to Friday between 08:00 AM to 05:30 PM.